To run a career with a reputable and result driven organization whose priority is placed on achievement and excellence through hardwork, result oriented services, integrity and desire to succeed. To work as a team player with a high sense of responsibility for the interest of any organization I belong to. JobExperience: Feb.13th 2013-2014 Barbecue city GRILLER CHEF 42, Ebute mettaStreet, Apapa Road Position: Griller Responsibilities:͠*Scrapping, cleaning of Fish, Gizzard for grilling *Grilling of variety sea food, livestock to customer satisfaction. Aug.16th 2015-2016 MR.BIGG’S 40, Adeniran Ogunsanya Street, Surulere, COOK Position: Cook Responsibilities: Cooking Monitor inventory and communicate with a supervisor when stock and supplied are running down. Follow all food health and safety requirements 2016- 2018 The place restaurant ad bar 4, Adeola Odeku Street VictoriaIsland, Position: Cook COOK Responsibility: CookingVariety National dishes and continental dishes. 2018 , EkoHotel & Suite LADDERKITCHEN JobDescription: Salad and Sandwich 14/15AdetokunboAdemola Street,VictoriaIsland,Lagos Responsibilities: Position: Commis Chef Arrangemenusandpurchasetheitemsneeded. Ensurepromptserviceoffoodandservices. Managedproductiontocomplywithmanagementguidelinesto enhancerevenuesandprofits. Regularmaintenanceandcleaningofworkenvironments Abilitytopreparevariouskindsof salads (Ceasarsalad , vegetable salad, Greek salad etc.) Checkstorageconditionoffooditemsintherefrigerator. Takeinventoriesofitemsinthestore. 2019 Sunday brunch EkoHotel&Suite JobDescription:GRILLCHEF 14/15AdetokunboAdemola Street,VictoriaIsland,Lagos Responsibilities: Position: Commis Chef Assuredthequalityoffooddeliveredtoguestisofhighquali ty. Regularofmaintenanceandcleaningofgrillsandotherkitc henareas. Preparesmeatssuchassteak,chicken,andfishtotemperatu reandmonitorforqualitywhilecookingongrill. Grilledandgarnishedhamburgersorothermeats,suchasst eaksandchops. Interactwithcustomersandhelpthemasneeded. 2020 Breakfast Kitchen EkoHotel&Suite JobDescription:Breakfast Kitchen 14/15AdetokunboAdemola Street,VictoriaIsland,Lagos Responsibilities: Position: Commis Chef Learn the basis of cooking Wrapandunwrapallfreshfoodsforproperstorage Ability to prepare various kinds of omelets(Spanish omelet, Greek omelet, Sunny side up etc) Ability to prepare various kinds sandwich (Tuna sandwich, ham and Turkey sandwich, Chesse sandwich Maintain kitchen in clean and sanitary conditions NIGERIAN KITCHEN 14/15AdetokunboAdemola Street,VictoriaIsland,Lagos Responsibilities: Position: Commis Chef Cook and prepare local foods, including traditional Nigeria dishes Prepare and cook local foods in accordance to recipes Respond to any guest Complaint Aug 26th 2021-2022, 88 kitchen EkoHotel&Suite ALA CARTE CHEF 14/15AdetokunboAdemola Street,VictoriaIsland,Lagos Responsibilities: Position: Demi chef departie Produce high quality hot and cold foods according to recipe developed by the executive chef. Organize all food prep station to ensure smooth and efficient flow in the kitchen Ensure inventory of supplies are completed regularly and items required are in stock Has the ability to prepare all carte requested food items as needed to meet special guest dietary requirement Prepared all stations and ensure the kitchen in clean and ready for the next shift. Communicate clearly if any kitchen or menu items are running low and needed to be ordered. Ability to prepare Variety of pasta,(Bolonese Pasta, Carbonara Pasta, AlfredoPasta, Jollof Pasta.) Ability to prepare Variety of suace, (Tomato suace, veloutesuace, béchamel suace etc) Danfo Bistros & Dives Chef de partie Duration: 2022 – 2023 Responsibilities: Cooking all food in a professional standards with recipe Maintain all kitchen equipment to ensure cleanliness and efficiency Assisting the executive chef in the preparation of food such as dishes, salad and grilling. Orile Restaurant & Bar Sous Chef Duration 2023-2024 Responsibilities: Resolve Personal problems and ensure staff is working together as team Manage and train kitchen staff Monitor the quality of raw and cook food product.