To run a career with a reputable and result driven organization whose priority is placed on achievement and excellence through hardwork, result oriented services, integrity and desire to succeed. To work as a team player with a high sense of responsibility for the interest of any organization I belong to. JobExperience: Feb.13th 2013-2014 Barbecue city GRILLER CHEF 42, Ebute mettaStreet, Apapa Road Position: Griller Responsibilities:͠*Scrapping, cleaning of Fish, Gizzard for grilling *Grilling of variety sea food, livestock to customer satisfaction. Aug.16th 2015-2016 MR.BIGG’S 40, Adeniran Ogunsanya Street, Surulere, COOK Position: Cook Responsibilities:  Cooking  Monitor inventory and communicate with a supervisor when stock and supplied are running down.  Follow all food health and safety requirements 2016- 2018 The place restaurant ad bar 4, Adeola Odeku Street VictoriaIsland, Position: Cook COOK Responsibility:  CookingVariety National dishes and continental dishes. 2018 , EkoHotel & Suite LADDERKITCHEN JobDescription: Salad and Sandwich 14/15AdetokunboAdemola Street,VictoriaIsland,Lagos Responsibilities: Position: Commis Chef  Arrangemenusandpurchasetheitemsneeded.  Ensurepromptserviceoffoodandservices. Managedproductiontocomplywithmanagementguidelinesto enhancerevenuesandprofits. Regularmaintenanceandcleaningofworkenvironments  Abilitytopreparevariouskindsof salads (Ceasarsalad , vegetable salad, Greek salad etc.) Checkstorageconditionoffooditemsintherefrigerator.  Takeinventoriesofitemsinthestore. 2019 Sunday brunch EkoHotel&Suite JobDescription:GRILLCHEF 14/15AdetokunboAdemola Street,VictoriaIsland,Lagos Responsibilities: Position: Commis Chef Assuredthequalityoffooddeliveredtoguestisofhighquali ty. Regularofmaintenanceandcleaningofgrillsandotherkitc henareas. Preparesmeatssuchassteak,chicken,andfishtotemperatu reandmonitorforqualitywhilecookingongrill. Grilledandgarnishedhamburgersorothermeats,suchasst eaksandchops.  Interactwithcustomersandhelpthemasneeded. 2020 Breakfast Kitchen EkoHotel&Suite JobDescription:Breakfast Kitchen 14/15AdetokunboAdemola Street,VictoriaIsland,Lagos Responsibilities: Position: Commis Chef  Learn the basis of cooking  Wrapandunwrapallfreshfoodsforproperstorage  Ability to prepare various kinds of omelets(Spanish omelet, Greek omelet, Sunny side up etc)  Ability to prepare various kinds sandwich (Tuna sandwich, ham and Turkey sandwich, Chesse sandwich  Maintain kitchen in clean and sanitary conditions NIGERIAN KITCHEN 14/15AdetokunboAdemola Street,VictoriaIsland,Lagos Responsibilities: Position: Commis Chef  Cook and prepare local foods, including traditional Nigeria dishes  Prepare and cook local foods in accordance to recipes  Respond to any guest Complaint Aug 26th 2021-2022, 88 kitchen EkoHotel&Suite ALA CARTE CHEF 14/15AdetokunboAdemola Street,VictoriaIsland,Lagos Responsibilities: Position: Demi chef departie  Produce high quality hot and cold foods according to recipe developed by the executive chef.  Organize all food prep station to ensure smooth and efficient flow in the kitchen  Ensure inventory of supplies are completed regularly and items required are in stock  Has the ability to prepare all carte requested food items as needed to meet special guest dietary requirement  Prepared all stations and ensure the kitchen in clean and ready for the next shift.  Communicate clearly if any kitchen or menu items are running low and needed to be ordered.  Ability to prepare Variety of pasta,(Bolonese Pasta, Carbonara Pasta, AlfredoPasta, Jollof Pasta.)  Ability to prepare Variety of suace, (Tomato suace, veloutesuace, béchamel suace etc) Danfo Bistros & Dives Chef de partie Duration: 2022 – 2023 Responsibilities:  Cooking all food in a professional standards with recipe  Maintain all kitchen equipment to ensure cleanliness and efficiency  Assisting the executive chef in the preparation of food such as dishes, salad and grilling. Orile Restaurant & Bar Sous Chef Duration 2023-2024 Responsibilities:  Resolve Personal problems and ensure staff is working together as team  Manage and train kitchen staff  Monitor the quality of raw and cook food product.